Rapid Imaging Search for Exoplanets 2 (RISE 2)
A wide field fast imager for exoplanet transit timing camera (RISE2) designed by Prof. J. Meaburn. The camera was designed and built by Queen’s University of Belfast, Liverpool John Moore’s University. The RISE2 instrument on the 2.3m Aristarchos telescope was built for measuring transit timing variation. Its precision allows the detection of Earth-size planets in resonant orbits or more massive planets in nonresonant orbits. We have started to observe candidate planets since 2014 (in collaboration with other telescopes abroad, i.e. LT/RISE) and the first results of our contribution have started to be published in refereed articles in 2016.

Camera filter wheel
The filter unit contains 2 filter wheels with 6 filter stacks each with an optically free diameter of 62 mm. The filter unit can be attached to the four side ports and to the main port.
- Wheel 1 is free for use by the astronomer with changeable filters with a thickness up to 5mm. There are 6 filter adapters, which can easily be disassembled from the wheel.
- Outside of the filter unit the required filter can be mounted. A protection ring fixes the filter inside the adapter. Then the adapter can be assembled back to the filter wheel by fixation of one screw.
- Wheel 2 is occupied with filters U, B, V, R, I and a neutral glass with a thickness of 3mm and an optically free aperture of 64 mm.