Manchester Echelle Spectrometer-Aristarchos Telescope (MES-AT)
This high-resolution spectrometer is dedicated to the investigation of extended line-emission phenomena (i.e. Supernova remnants, Planetary nebulae, HII regions, Luminous blue variable star’s nebulae etc). The instrument is not currently available to the observers.
In its primary mode a single order of its echelle grating nominally δ=63.54˚ with 31.6 grooves/mm is isolated by a broad, efficient, three period interference filter eliminating the need of cross-dispersion. Consequently, its primary use, is to obtain spatially-resolved profiles of individual emission lines from faint extended sources emitting in the range 3900-7500 Å with a spectral resolving power of λ/Δλ ≤105.
Secondary modes
Several secondary modes are available. A direct image of the field can be obtained by both the insertion of a clear to replace the slit and of a mirror before the grating (slit positions against images of extended sources can be obtained using this facility). The insertion of a grism along with the plane mirror permits long-slit, low dispersion (76.3 Å/mm) spectra to be obtained.

Parameters on the Aristarchos 2.3 m telescope (first calculated values)
MES-AR Schematic Representation